

"Weep not." (Luke 7:13)

She was a widow in Nain. She had lost her husband, and now her son had died. The funeral procession moved on towards the graveyard. Another procession was seen coming towards them and Jesus at the head of it. They met, Jesus stopped. “Weep not," He said. And yet for the mother, who was weeping, this may have sounded hard. For her, it was ' the end of everything.' But it was about to be the beginning of something wonderful. This young man was about to walk back from His own funeral! How quickly Jesus can change things by His power. “Old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new, “said Paul. Christ spoke the word, Christ touched the dead. Life came suddenly. With Jesus there, there is always hope in a hopeless situation.


" If I may touch...I shall be whole."  ( Mark 5:28)

She wanted to get near Jesus, but not be seen. She was suffering from suffering which kept her apart. She did not like being in a crowd, but Jesus was there so she had to go. Once she was near she wanted to get nearer to Jesus than anyone else, near enough to touch Him. She had faith in Him, she expected something to happen, and it did. It is good to get near Jesus, and it is good to go out to Him with expectation. His power went out to help her. He has not lost His power. We must expect great things from Him. ( This is why William Carey went out to India as a missionary).

The early followers of Jesus were optimistic. Why are we not like this ?

He hasn't changed, it seems that we have - This is something to pray about.


" Immediately she was made straight. " ( Luke 13:13 )

She was a disabled woman, bowed over for many years and unable to lift herself up. But she was a devoted woman. Despite the pains, she continued to go out to church, and this was where Jesus met her. Jesus worked in the open air and also in buildings. What a person looked like did not bother Him, He saw what they could become. He raised this woman up, she was different now. her first reaction was to glorify God. She knew and told others that it was God who did this, and satan could not prevent it. This woman could have had a catalogue of excuses for not going out to church. But what would have happened if Jesus was there ...and she wasn't ? This is something worth thinking about.


" On That night could not the king sleep."  ( Esther 6:1)

He couldn't sleep, something was bothering him, and he wasn't sure what it was. He felt he had done something wrong, but wasn't sure what it was. As many have done before and since then, he got up and read a book. Or rather, because he was the King of Persia, he had someone to read a book to him. The book he chose was about the history of his own kingdom. As he listened he heard what he had been looking for. He had failed to reward Mordecai for saving his life. Something wrong needed to be put right. You may think that this was a little thing, but in those days ingratitude was one of the worst things a person could be accused of. And it still is, especially to God ! If you have a sleepless night, something is not right. It may be your health, but it may be your lifestyle. " A clear conscience is a good pillow". 


" And the sea gave up the dead."  ( Revelation 20:13 )

We cannot see where all the bodies are but He can. He knows where to find them. The world is like a giant graveyard. Some think these ancient bodies are lost. But if God can create, He can re--create. J.B.Philips well said to the modern critics, " Your God is too small." Science is often a good thing, but it is limited. It knows little about God. They cannot control him by their theories. We must be careful about limiting God. We often hear, " God cannot do this or do that." Which God are they talking about, as we do not recognise such a weak being ? God said there is a danger in making Him to be like ourselves ( Psalm 50:21 ). We would be better praying to be more like Jesus.


" Into a bag with holes." ( Haggai 1:6 )

Sometimes you go into your pocket and realize you have lost what you put in, there is a hole there. But you didn't know it until you had lost what was inside ( or you wouldn't have put anything inside). The Jews had returned from exile in Babylon and had agreed to repair the temple, the house of God. But they were putting money into their own pockets and not into the church, and this spending on self was unprofitable. What was supposed to be for the building and maintenance of God's house, they kept for themselves. And they lost it. They were spending it on their own houses while the house of God was left neglected. They had left God out and lived for themselves. Soon they came to poverty. Giving to God's cause in the world is not a loss, it is more like money in the Bank.


" I thought he will..." ( 2 Kings 5:11 )

That's what Naaman thought, but he thought wrong ! This was not what God had in mind, His thoughts are often different from ours. It is so easy for us to ' second guess ' God, to anticipate what He is about to do. And how often we are wrong ! There is nothing wrong in making plans for our future, but we must remember that ' God's ways are not our ways.' Naaman was angry at first that God did not act in the way he wanted. However, he soon realized that he had no choice but to accept God's plan, and then he found happiness. Discontent comes easy - you just have to think of all the things that never happened the way you wanted. But for the believer that should lead to thanksgiving that God didn't always give us what we wanted ! 


" I will draw...to Me." John ( 12:32)

Jesus is the great Magnet to draw sinners to Himself. There is always resistance at first in the thoughts of those who hear of Him. They do not understand their need of Him. They do not see His value, nor can they understand what a Divine Person is - they have never met One. But when Jesus begins to draw them they become anxious. Something is happening inside and they do not understand it. However, they do think about Jesus more now. They ask questions, they try to explain things away. They do not want to be 'caught ' like others. But there is this attraction. There is no-one else who made these claims about Himself or had His beautiful character. In the end C.S.Lewis, who went through this himself, said, " I give in." He had been drawn to Jesus, and now he was joined to Him forever. The anxious days were over.


" I know whom I have believed." ( 2 Timothy 1:12 )

C.H.Spurgeon said that faith is made up of three things; knowledge, belief and trust. Paul knew the real Jesus, heard Him speak and believed Him. He was persuaded that Jesus was able to keep him, not just during this world but forever. Because of this he entrusted Himself into Christ's keeping, he was glad to belong to Jesus. This trust is like making out a Will, you put yourself into the hands of a person whom you trust so that he will take care of you at death. When David came to die, he said to God, " Into Thy hand I commit my spirit." ( Psalm 31:5) This is what Paul was saying before he came to death. Jesus used these same words when He was about to die on the cross. Words to remember !


MAY 10

" Many things contrary to the Name of Jesus." ( Acts 26:9)

Paul actually thought he was serving God when he was doing this ! Later on he

spoke, from personal experience, of a ' zeal for God which is not based on knowledge'. He held the coats while his friends stoned Stephen to death ! Like Paul, although not going to such extremes, we tend to have our own fixed ideas about what pleases God. Many think that if they live a good life this will please God. But in this 'good life' where does Jesus come in ? This is why Paul was so opposed to the Name of Jesus. He knew that a Saviour only saves sinners, and he did not believe he was a sinner. Thus his anger with those who spread the Gospel like Stephen did. Later on he met Jesus, and his eyes were opened. Now he also spread that Name, and suffered for doing so.

MAY 11

" Lord...open his eyes." ( 2 Kings 6:17 )

Elisha's servant was afraid. They were both inside the city of Dothan, and the Syrian army had the city surrounded. He thought they were trapped, and was surprised that Elisha was quite calm about it. Elisha told him that the Syrian army was actually outnumbered. The servant couldn't understand this, so Elisha prayed, " Lord open His eyes." Now the servant could see chariots of fire surrounding the city, thousands of angels. His view affected his hope, as ours does. The Syrian army was soon sent away defeated. It had looked so unlikely. We learn here that unseen realities are revealed to the eyes of faith. Such eyes will save us in times of paralysing fear and intense danger, when human strength can do nothing for us. Pray to have the eyes opened to this reality.

MAY 12

" All these have I observed." ( Mark 10:20)

This young man had knowledge. He knew the ten commandments, he knew what Jesus was talking about. He believed that he ought to keep God's laws. He also felt able to answer all Jesus' questions. He knew and believed the words, but did not yet trust Jesus, and so he failed to follow him. However, we do hope he came back, because it says, " Jesus loved him." ( verse 21).

Can you believe without trusting ? Blondin, the famous tightrope walker, walked across Niagara Falls and back pushing a wheelbarrow on a tightrope. When he came back across he said to a man who had watched him, " Do you think I can do that again ? " The man replied enthusiastically, " Yes, Sir." Blondin said, " Get in then." The man politely refused. - Belief, but without trust.

MAY 13

" This man went down to his house justified." ( Luke 18;14 )

To be justified by God ( not by men ) is to be pronounced ' not guilty '. You are acquitted of all charges against you, as in a court. You are certainly guilty of sin, but by believing in Jesus Christ ( the Judge ) you are pardoned and set free. It's a free gift of life because of the mercy of God. If you try to 'work for it ' you will never get it. Many do not understand this, that forgiveness is only given to those who accept they are guilty. The Publican in this story accepted he was guilty and asked for mercy, and mercy he received. The Pharisee, who also came to church with him, could only speak about how good he was. So he did not ask for mercy, he asked for a reward. But God only gives out mercy, not rewards, because we are all guilty. The difference in people is that some know it, and so ask for mercy.

MAY 14

" He loved them to the end." ( John 13:1 )

There is a faithfulness and constancy in Christ's love which is found in no other love. Although the Shepherd is now in heaven he still thinks of His sheep on earth. His heart is still the same towards them. He remembers them, loves them, they are ' His own.' Those whom He loves He shall bring to heaven, He has prepared a place for them. Now he is preparing them for that place. On earth we go through many changes in our condition, but there is no change in His love. God does not change. Jesus bears with us, He is patient, He is not provoked by our lack of love. Nor does He cast us away because we sin. We are not saved because we are sinless, we are saved because He has chosen to love us, ' to the end.'

MAY 15

" You must be born again." ( John 3:7)

This is called " Regeneration ", and it means a new birth. It is when God becomes a Father to you, and you have a new life. Jesus taught that it was necessary for eternal life. This is not something we can do for ourselves. We cannot give ourselves new life, but He can. This new life brings a new power inside us, a power to break away from our old life and life a new life following Jesus. It is a new beginning. Some people think that " it's too late to change." But that's not the way God thinks. He sent Jesus into the world to give to dying sinners, to change them once and for all. What is the result of being born again ? -- Faith, hope and love. Something you never had before !

MAY 16

" If you keep in memory."  ( 1 Corinthians 15:2)

C.S.lewis was right when he said, " We need to be continually reminded of what we believe." ' Remember ' is a word often used in the Bible. Some people are keen to learn new things, but if we forget what we have learned already we shall make mistakes. We need to practise what we know already, and we sometimes forget to do this. We do not sin because of lack of knowledge, we know enough about what following Jesus is like.

God has appointed some things for the Christian life to enable us to remember better. There is prayer, reading the Bible and churchgoing. These are encouraged in Scripture.. Faith needs to be fed, and also practised. Churchgoing is more important than people think. We are a family, God's flock, no-one ought to be following Jesus on their own. The Bible tells us we are not to give up coming together for worship ( Hebrews 10: 25 ).

MAY 17

" Paul and Silas prayed and sang." ( Acts 16:25 )

What a strange place to sing songs, they were in a prison ! The Psalms are songs which cover any experience you can think of. Whether joyful or sad, there is a Psalm to fit your mood. They prayed and sang. If you cannot sing, pray about it. If you cannot find the words to pray, sing -- the words for singing are there in the Psalms. The Psalms deal with real life, and with death too. Songs are also for daily life, they can help in the routine of dull days. Music has a way of lifting the weary heart, making you think of the happy place to which each day brings you closer. God can put a song in our hearts, every day and all the way. Jesus sang Psalms on earth also, remembering some on the cross too.

MAY 18

" Pride ...hath deceived thee." ( Obadiah 1:3 )

Pride was reckoned to be the great sin in the garden of Eden, the sin which led to other sins. Pride makes you think you have the ability to cope with any threat, as if it would just bounce off you. Pride tends also to boast, some people have a lot of " I think, I said, I did " in their conversation. Pride has little time for other people, for self is so important. But pride was the devil's sin, and he brought it to earth. Sin began in the heart of an angel, and it was pride. He felt he deserved a higher place than God gave him, and he rebelled. Bunyan's shepherds had the right remedy when they sang," he that is down cannot fall." God loved the Publican, because he wouldn't lift up his eyes, he prayed and followed Jesus. " Meek and lowly of heart," was how Jesus described himself. Are we like that ?

MAY 19

" and be in health." ( 3 John verse 2 )

You are not to neglect your body. If you do it will have a bad effect on the mind. If you are going to study well, or play well, you need to have a healthy body. When you are sick you need to take things, so that you can get back to the health you had before. In a similar way, the state of your mind will affect your body also. If the mind is low, it will bring the body down with it. If we are not feeling well, we need to check the mind and the body, because they both work together. They are both ' you.' Heaven has souls and resurrected bodies, they are united again after a short absence at death. The Apostle John prayed for this, he knew the soul's needs and he knew the body's needs also.

MAY 20

" He is not here, for He is risen." ( Matthew 28:6 )

The women came to the tomb to look for Him. Many are still looking for Jesus in all the places where He is not to be found. They look for Him in exciting groups of people, in new movements, in sensational meetings, in large tents full of people. These people are looking around for Him,but Christ is risen. They forget to look up, in prayer. Believers can sometimes act as if Christ were not risen to heaven. Katy, Luther's wife, came into the room one day dressed all in black. Luther looked up and said, " Who's dead ? " Katy replied, " According to the way you're talking, God is ! " Luther got the message. Christ is alive ! Let us walk on with this truth in our hearts.

MAY 21

" I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." ( Hebrews 13:5)

Sometimes the burden of loneliness is too heavy to bear. When no-one understands and there is no-one to turn to. When you feel that nobody cares, these are words of comfort indeed. This is the rainbow in the cloud, the sunshine after the rain. When nobody else knows, He knows. When nobody else cares, He cares. When nobody else understands, He understands. When nobody else wants you, He does.

" I could not do without Thee,

 No other friend can read

 The soul's strange deep longings,

 Interpreting its need."  ( F.R. Havergal)

MAY 22

" Be diligent."  ( 2 Peter 3:14 )

This is not a commonly used word nowadays. It means, ' Use your time well, wisely.' It means,' Put your mind into it, give it attention'. it means,' Keep at it and don't give up'. It means, ' Maintain your interest in it, it concerns you and your future'. There is a lot of meaning in this word, and it is needful. Why ?,because after a while our enthusiasm for something decreases, we cannot keep up the same pace. This is understandable, but we must not give up or come short of the finishing line. Our life is a journey. In serving God it is true that we can be " weary in it, but we are not weary of it." The Lord did say that we need to ' rest awhile.' But soon we must get back on our feet, pray for strength, and go on. Be diligent, He says. He Himself will not stop working for you.

MAY 23

"And looking back "  ( Luke 9:62 )

Jesus taught here that you cannot follow Him by looking backwards. To follow you need to look to the Person in front of you, not at the ones behind you. Perhaps the ones behind you are not friendly, but if you don't watch where you are going ( by looking back ) you will trip, and things will get worse. Nor can you walk a straight line, or hold a ship on a straight course, or drive a tractor straight in a field if you are looking around all the time !

We spend a lot of time looking back, perhaps with regrets, but this does not help us to go forward. To go forward, to make progress, we are to be " looking unto Jesus." ( Hebrews 12:2). We are to look to the finish line, and draw strength and comfort from heaven. Look forward, keep the end in sight.

MAY 24

" Clothed in white." ( Revelation 3:5 )

This is a description of what is put on God's people when they get to heaven. There is no more washing then, neither of ourselves nor of what we wear. In this world we are on the move and we pick up things as we go through life. Many of them are not good. They become stains on our character and spots on our outward behaviour ( what we clothe our ' self ' with ). Jesus provides daily cleansing for our guilt and sins, but in heaven there is no need for that. White clothes are given. If we wore white clothes in this world it would gather dirt, and get worse and worse. But in heaven we sin no more, and what we wear reflects what we are on the inside. There is no danger of pollution there.

MAY 25

" Whom the Lord loves He corrects."  ( Proverbs 3:12 )

It is out of love that the father corrects us. He brings us back to the proper state of mind, and brings us back onto the right path. If He didn't care He would let us have our own way, and this would bring nothing but calamity upon ourselves. We see many going astray and having an easy time, but we should not want to be like them. To obey God is not easy, and sometimes we suffer for ' obeying God rather than men,' as the early Christians did.

David could look back and say, " It was good that I was afflicted, that I might learn." He didn't realize how far astray he was going in his thinking, but God brought him powerfully back. And painful lessons are not quickly forgotten !

It was a good prayer, " Lord, leave us not to ourselves."

MAY 26

" They shall deceive " ( Matthew 24 :24 )

In this chapter we are taught that there shall be a time of great deception in the earth before the Lord Jesus returns to end world history. Those in authority shall change the meaning of words, change standards of morality, and change the aims of life. Even atheist observers can see this happening in the world. Deception usually begins with the education of the young, whether in the schools or in the church ( and Jesus mentions religious themes in this chapter). 

George Orwell in his books " 1984 " and " Animal Farm " shows how this is done. The Christian needs to examine reality and so-called progress in society and in the church by the Bible. " My words shall not pass away," said Jesus ( verse 35). There will always be a continuing minority, as in Noah's time, who believe what God says (vs.24) .

MAY 27

"The king... died..the children..sighed, and they cried." ( Exodus 2:23 )

When you read a chapter in the Bible, try to pick out 3 points which summarise the teaching of the chapter. Find out the best way for you ( and we are all different ) to remember what happened. The 3 points here are memorable in one sentence, especially if it rhymes. The 3 verbs in this one verse do that. In chapter 3 of Exodus we can trace the source of deliverance to 3 different verses ; verses 7,8 and 10. " I have seen...I am come down...I will send thee." By looking for the summary you are looking for the key points in the chapter. By doing this you are not passive but 'interacting ' with the Word. This will help you to remember for the future, and to understand more about God.

MAY 28

" More to be desired than gold." Psalm 19:10

This is David's estimate of the value of the Bible. Why ? It explains the origin of the world, " In the beginning, God." It tells us why the world changed for the worse. It describes what human nature and its suffering is like, and what is the only remedy that works. It gives an account of the history of the world and how the world will end. It gives a true view of what God is like and also what is happening in the world right now.

What other book can do this ? It is a guide to get through this world and into heaven it is the hope of the living and the comfort of the dying.

MAY 29

" I have sinned...and he arose."  ( Luke 15:18,20 )

All his plans had failed, he was down. Instead of getting better, things got worse and worse. Sin is a failure to obey God and to go our own way. However, no amount of falls and failures will be fatal as long as we get up again, and head for Home. We may be in rags, like the Prodigal, when we reach Home but we shall be 'cleaned up ' when we go Home to heaven. " Nothing that defiles " goes in with us, it is left outside. Heaven is a happy Home because there is no sin there, just perfect peace. No more disturbances for soul or body. No more fears, no more can we be hurt.

It would be dreadful to give up and die in despair far from Home. No,he said, " I will arise and go to my Father." He didn't just think about it or talk about it - he did it ! And what a welcome !

MAY 30

" If the Lord will." ( James 4:15 )

This is what Dv. stands for. It is an abbreviation of the Latin words " Deo volente ", which means " According to God's Will ". We may want to do something but if it is not part of God's purpose it is not going to happen. God's Will is not something we can change. There's nothing wrong with making plans for the future, but God's Will must be taken into account. We make choices, but God's choice will rule the outcome. And whether we like the result or not, we have to submit to it, and move on. Moving on means making choices about what we do next. God's Will often narrows our range of choices. We must pray and adapt our lives to our new circumstances. Trust in God, and all will be well in the end.

MAY 31

" The whole multitude besought Him to depart from them." 

These people were disturbed by Christ and asked Him to go away from them, just like many today. What disturbed them ? It was what they saw He had done, what He had said, but especially who He claimed to be, who He was. Moreover, they lost their profits, all those swine drowned. They were also afraid at how He had changed that man. No-one had ever managed to do that. They did not understand, and this made them afraid. There was a suggestion here of supernatural power, but they preferred not to explore this concept, they would rather just change the subject. So they asked Him to go away. This is foolish. Did it not occur to them that they would need Him one day ? This is the worst thing a sinner can do - to ask Jesus to go away. Far wiser to ask him to change us, as he did for that man - no-one else could change him or us. And that man is now with Him.

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